Send money to Latin America quickly, easily and securely.

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Don't miss €5 discount

Don't have an account with Sendity yet? Try it now! And enjoy a €5 discount on your first transfer, using the code HOLASENDITY.

Sign up today

How does Sendity work?

  • 1. Sign up for free or log in to your account.

    It takes just a few minutes to create your account and you only need a phone number and an email address to validate your account.

  • 2. Verify your identity.

    Current regulations also require us to verify the identity of the person sending the money. To do this, take a selfie where we can clearly see your face and upload or take a photo of your ID, you can use your DNI from any of the countries of the European Union, Passport or Residence Document.

  • 3. Send money.

    In your account click on "Send money" and choose the country where you want to transfer, select the delivery method and the amount. Once you have done this, you'll be able to see details of the costs that apply to send the money as well as the actual exchange rate at the time.

  • 4. Enter the recipient's details.

    Provide the full name of the person who will receive the money at the destination, as well as their personal details. You can save this information in your profile to repeat transactions in future if you wish.

  • 5. Make the payment for the amount of the transfer.

    Check that all the information is correct, and if it is your first transfer, add the code HOLASENDITY in the promotional code box to receive a discount of 5 euros from the total amount, then make the payment with a credit or debit card.

  • Your money is on its way!

    As soon as we have confirmed your transfer, you can track it in your personal transaction information or by using the unique code we will issue.

Money business without any funny business.

We are 100% transparent with our pricing. At Sendity what you see is exactly what we will charge for the transfer and what the recipient will receive. No hidden fees and always with the official exchange rate of the market.


  • We are 100% transparent with our pricing. The price you will see when you select your remittance is the price you will pay.
  • The payment service provider RevoluPAY is authorized as a Payment Entity to send money to 20 Latin American countries under the regulation of the Bank of Spain. What does this mean? Your funds are 100% guaranteed. We take care of you and your money throughout the entire remittance sending process.
  • We won't share your personal data with anyone. All the information you share about yourself and your recipients remains with us. We will not give your information or data to third parties at any time. What happens between you and Sendity remains between us.

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