Get 5€ off on your first transfer to Venezuela

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How to send money to Venezuela with Sendity.

These are the steps to follow to send Venezuelan Bolivars or US Dollars to Venezuela at the best market rate. Remember that the payment of the transfer to Venezuela can be made with any of the following cards: Credit or Debit and always in Euros.

1. Create your account for free or log in.

Safe, fast, and without leaving home! To become a Sendity user you only need a phone number and an email to validate your account. You can create a free profile right now by clicking on the "Create account" button and start sending money to Venezuela at the best exchange rate for your euros.


2. Verify your identity.

As we're sure you're aware, current regulations mean that we have to verify the identity of anyone sending money to Venezuela. To do this, you will be asked to take a selfie (or to upload a photo of yourself showing your face clearly) as well as a photo of your identity document (ID or passport)

This step is only necessary when you register for the first time. Once you’ve verified your identity, you'll be able to use Sendity again quickly and easily whenever you need.


3. Select Venezuela as the destination country and enter the amount to send.

For money transfers to Venezuela you can select two currencies to receive at destination: VEF or USD. Depending on the currency selected you have a delivery method available. You will be able to send from 100 to 800 US dollars with cash delivery at the teller window. And if you prefer to exchange Euros to Bolivars, the delivery will be by deposit to a bank account.

Once you select the delivery method and the amount you want to send to Venezuela, Sendity will instantly convert your money at the real exchange rate, in this case VEF or USD.

As for the cost of the service, it varies depending on the currency selected, however with our simulator you will be able to calculate the service fee before making the payment. We always show you the total cost beforehand. Send your money to Venezuela now!


4. Enter the recipient's data.

Provide the full name of the person who will receive the money in Venezuela as well as their identity card number. Remember to correctly enter the identification number of the recipient who is going to collect the money (you must enter numbers and letters) What documents does the beneficiary need to present to receive the money? The recipient can present their Venezuelan identity card or passport.

Once you add all the recipient's data you have the option to save this recipient as a "favorite" in your profile. This option is very useful to speed up your future remittances to Venezuela if you have a recipient to whom you send money concurrently.


5. Make the payment for your remittance to Venezuela.

Check the summary of all the data of your transfer. If everything is correct, and you want to continue with your transfer, have one of the accepted bank cards (credit or debit) at hand and click on "Make payment". If you have a discount code, don't forget to enter it before making the payment!


6. Your money is already on the way!

As soon as we have confirmed your transfer to Venezuela, you will be able to track it in the transactions section of your profile or with the unique code that we will provide you. The recipient will receive their money in 5 business days.


Get 5€ off on your first remittance

Transfer money today to Venezuela with Sendity and get 5€ discount on your first remittance using the code HOLASENDITY.

promoción bienvenida Sendity

Five reasons why Sendity is the best choice for sending money to Venezuela

  • We operate in 20 countries with the best exchange rate.

    Sending money from Spain to Venezuela with Sendity is really easy. We operate in 20 countries with a highly competitive rate for our service. When making transfers to Venezuela, you can choose to send the money to bank accounts in different financial institutions: BANCAMIGA, BANCO PROVINCIAL, BANCO DEL PUEBLO SOBERANO, C.A., 100% BANCO BANCO COMERCIAL C.A. - and many more - as well as cash withdrawal at the window of a specific agent: ITALCAMBIO.


  • Accurate and transparent information.

    At Sendity we believe it's fair that before you pay for your transfer, you’re aware of all the costs of sending your money. Therefore, there are no hidden commissions on the price of your remittance. We like to be clear and honest with you, which is why we always offer the actual market exchange rate. Also, we always outline our service fees openly. 


  • It 's easy.

    Remittances to Venezuela have tripled.  Sending money to loved ones is already a common occurrence, and we love doing it. Send money to Venezuela from Spain (or elsewhere in Europe) to your loved ones by making an immediate and easy payment in EUR with Sendity, just like a national transfer.

  • Online money transfers 24/7.

    Nowadays users are looking for the rates to be low, but when using an online provider they also want the service to adapt to the exact moment in which they need to send his support to a family member or friend in Venezuela. Our service is active 24/7 so you can choose when to send money.


  • Trust and security.

    We are an authorized Electronic Money Entity, so your funds are 100% protected. No matter which country you want to send money to with Sendity, your money is completely safe. We are also legally required to protect your money by keeping it in a low-risk financial institution, so you can be sure your money is in safe hands.



By your side for what matters most

  • Sendity is security.
  • Sendity is convenience.
  • Sendity is honesty.
  • Is it safe to send online remittances to Venezuela with Sendity? Sending money online is now cheaper and safer than ever. Sendity is backed by Prosegur and the payment entity that provides the money transfer service, RevoluPAY, guaranteed by the Bank of Spain, so your transfer is done with maximum security.

    In fact, the number of money transfers to Venezuela has increased in part to online services like Sendity where we allow you to change euros to Venezuelan bolivars or euros to US dollars and always with the guarantee that your money will reach its destination risk free.


  • Send money instantly at any time and from anywhere. To help you make fast transfers, our transfer service is available 24 hours a day.  We ensure that your friends and relatives will receive money in Venezuela with a commission that suits you. Our rate is unique, and it's what makes our clients believe in us, always. 

    Our customer service team is ready to take care of the details of your transaction and to answer any questions. You can contact us via WhatsApp, email, chat or our social media channels. Our team will be pleased to help you. 

    We know that money transfers are really important, so we understand that when people want to make an online transfer, they wish to do so immediately. At Sendity we want you to save time, that is why our money transfer service is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so that you can send money to Venezuela whenever you want.


  • Our goal is to help money to reach every corner of Latin America at the best market rate and without hidden or abusive fees. And, of course, that this support reaches your loved ones safely.

    Few companies can safely and legally deliver US dollars in cash in Venezuela. The market offers different options: Sendity, Curiara, Moneygram, Western Union, iTransfer, etc… All these providers are very competent and have been providing services in the remittance market for years, however, Sendity was born purely to provide a transparent service and trustworthy...100% honest focused on the Latin community in Europe. We care about you and are dedicated to getting better every day to make every transaction safe and trusty.

    We absolutely trust our services, so we challenge you to compare Sendity's exchange rate, fees, and service to one of today's most widely used international money transfer and remittance entities, such as Curiara, Western Union, or iTransfer. Compare the prices and see with your own eyes how Sendity is your best option.


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